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how to store LB-agar-antibiotic- X-gal-IPTG plate - (Feb/13/2012 )

Hi, I want to make some how to store LB-agar-chloramphenicol-X-gal-IPTG plate, but I don't know how should I store them and how long it can last.

Would you please give me some suggestions?

Thanks a lot!


Store at 4 deg C sealed (in a bag is fine) to prevent water loss. The X-gal will degrade relatively fast, I think about 2-3 weeks will be the maximum.


bob1 on Mon Feb 13 22:03:07 2012 said:

Store at 4 deg C sealed (in a bag is fine) to prevent water loss. The X-gal will degrade relatively fast, I think about 2-3 weeks will be the maximum.

Thanks very much for your advice!


You may find S-Gal (from Sigma) much easier to use for differentiating bla+ strains. It's a straight substitute for X-Gal, and I think it works a lot better.
