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Amersham P-920 Pump for FPLC machine - (Aug/23/2011 )

The P-920 pump we have hooked up to our Amersham FPLC system (UPC-900) is not working properly. When I try to wash both Pumps A and B I get the following error:

error 76, Pump B valve; valve in Pump B could not find correct position

I was wondering if anyone has had experience with this and might know if it does indeed need to be fixed by an engineer.

Main problem is our lab is currently poor and it will cost about $6000 for the repair guy to come here and fix it


Hola, sometimes we had problems althought we have an annual maintenance programs and our own instrumentation aid. Well, the maint. program mainly is the change of o-rings and plastic joints that are damaged by use, but one frequent problem specially with pump B wich is that works with concentrated saline solutions is the deposit of these. so sometimes when this pump gives flow problems we whash it with hot water at high flow to try destroy precipitates. If you know this and have done it or with this wash the error persist I would take carefully the pump apart having care to made it ordenatly to be able to reconstruct it examining all the pieces and cleaning them. The o-rings can be bought in any speciallized store. If the problem persists change yourself the whole valve buying to your equipe dealer or ask them about solutions. You could ask of any handy in your institution to ask advise. Buena suerte
