Total RNA estimation - (Jun/28/2011 )
In my new lab, RNA estimation is carrying out using 96 well plate. Simply add 99 ul of DEPC-H20 and 1 ul RNA sample. So, after reading at 260, the RNA is estimated as ug/ul=OD at 260 nm*40*dilution/1000
My questions are:
1. how much accuracy we get when we use 96 well plate (polysterine or else but not quartze cuvette)?
2. the pathlength 1 cm is required for 40, right? Im not sure 100 ul volume is standard for that??
What instrument do you use to measure the RNA concentration? Nanodrop or what?
pcrman on Sat Jul 9 04:27:00 2011 said:
What instrument do you use to measure the RNA concentration? Nanodrop or what?
Simply a Platereader (SpectraMax, Molecular Devices) and in 96 well plate.