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electroporation, 2-mm or 4-mm? - (Mar/22/2011 )

I am trying to perform electroporation on many kinds of mouse cell-lines by using Bio-rad electroporator.
I can find protocol here and there such as literatures and Bio-rad websites.
However it seems that there are many different kinds of protocols for even a single cell line.
What is more confusing me is the uses of 2-mm and 4-mm cuvettes.

I thought that 2-mm is for fungus and 4-mm is for mammalian cells.
But some protocols use 2-mm and some uses 4-mm for the same kind of cells, of course with different parameters.

Is there a formula I can use to convert parametesr for 4-mm cuvette to 2-mm cuvette?

Thank you.


Divide the voltage by half and reduce the cell number accordingly but keep the other conditions the same.


tea-test on Fri Mar 25 11:26:46 2011 said:

Divide the voltage by half and reduce the cell number accordingly but keep the other conditions the same.

Thank, veteran.
I tried it and it worked perfectly.
Thank you very much.
