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isotype control for GFP expressing cells? - (Feb/22/2011 )

I need to determine transfection efficiency of a construct, and plan to do so using GFP expression. I will have uninfected (human)cells as a control, and am wondering what isotpye control I should use? I usually choose based on the antibody used for flow but since there is no antibody necessary, I was wondering should I just use a generic one- GFP anti-human IgG1 targeting?
Thanks in advance


You shouldn't use an isotype control at all.


leelee on Wed Feb 23 03:05:21 2011 said:

You shouldn't use an isotype control at all.

Thanks for responding- that's what I thought and was just going to compare infected and uninfected cells, but then saw a couple of papers that showed results with isotype controls also. Will proceed as planned so- thanks again.
