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Lab organization software - (Jan/24/2011 )

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good (preferably free), lab organization program? One that I can keep track of freezer/fridge samples, input protocols/recipes, etc. I am just beginning a postdoc in a new lab and would like to begin organizing my stuff. Thanks for your input!


i do not use it ...but i tested it some time ago, it seems it is the tool you are looking for
Here is the link!



pDNA on Tue Jan 25 18:44:00 2011 said:

i do not use it ...but i tested it some time ago, it seems it is the tool you are looking for
Here is the link!


Thanks pDNA! That is what I'm looking for. Would love to find a free one though. Wishful thinking I guess.


as long as u just use it alone it is for free!


jennifer6271 on Thu Jan 27 18:06:54 2011 said:

pDNA on Tue Jan 25 18:44:00 2011 said:

i do not use it ...but i tested it some time ago, it seems it is the tool you are looking for
Here is the link!


Thanks pDNA! That is what I'm looking for. Would love to find a free one though. Wishful thinking I guess.
