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B cell subset for hybridoma generation - Which B cell subset is used to make hybridomas (Dec/07/2010 )

Hi all,

I am wondering which subset of B cells is used to make hybridomas. Or, alternatively, which marker would differentiate them. Are they plasmablasts, plasma cells or memory B cells. I can't find this information anywhere, yet I would expect this to be common knowledge by now.
Best regards,


BioMiha on Tue Dec 7 14:45:09 2010 said:

Hi all,

I am wondering which subset of B cells is used to make hybridomas. Or, alternatively, which marker would differentiate them. Are they plasmablasts, plasma cells or memory B cells. I can't find this information anywhere, yet I would expect this to be common knowledge by now.
Best regards,

Theoretically, any B-cell can fuse to produce hybridomas. T-cells too!


That may be true, however the splenocytes that are used for fusion are activated B cells, that have undergone affinity maturation and class switching. The B cells that have undergone affinity maturation are germinal center B cells that are either plasmablasts, fully differentiated plasma cells or memory B cells.
