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computer illiterate--installing mapmaker on my own computer - following the directions isn't helping, something missing? (Oct/26/2010 )

I could use some help--this is my first go at using DOS, and I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

I am trying to install Mapmaker 3 on my home PC, so I can do linkage mapping for my project. The expert in the lab downloaded all the files on my computer, unzipped them, and showed me how to set things up--on the lab computer, while the files were loading onto my computer.

I followed the installation directions (available at and Mark Daly's instructions and have run into a few snags.

My first problem is I don't know what I'm doing! :D

I think my second problem is this (message from DOS):

108576 bytes contiguous extended memory
0 bytes available contiguous extended memory <-- how do I extend my memory?
941056 bytes available XMS memory
MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area

When I type the string DEVICE=C:\DOS\himem.sys into DOS, it tells me that 'device' is not recognized. How should I find the line in my Config.sys file that says DEVICE...?

How do I set up the path for DOS to find mapmaker?


lab rat

-lab rat-

OK, so the problem seems to be Windows 7. Mapmaker runs fine on XP. Does anyone have any suggestions to make this run with W7?



-lab rat-

which version of windows 7 do you have? if you have ultimate (or business, i think) then you can download virtual xp from microsoft (virtual pc + windows xp).


Hi md, I had given up getting an answer! I have xp professional, sv pack 3. I'll look into that. Thanks!

-lab rat-