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What is the BGH gene for in a expression vector? - What is the BGH gene for in a expression vector? Thanks a lot! (Aug/16/2010 )


Could anyone tell me what's the BGH gene for in a expression vector, please?

Many thanks!

wu xin

-wu xin-

Are you sure it is the full BGH, not just a primer binding site or a polyadenylation signal?


bob1 on Mon Aug 16 23:05:45 2010 said:

Are you sure it is the full BGH, not just a primer binding site or a polyadenylation signal?

many thanks for your reply! It's about 230 bp long and seems like poly A signal to me.

-wu xin-

It is there as a poly A tail generator for the mRNA made off the plasmid, this helps with message processing in protein production.


bob1 on Sun Aug 22 21:09:30 2010 said:

It is there as a poly A tail generator for the mRNA made off the plasmid, this helps with message processing in protein production.

Many thanks bob!!!

wu xin

-wu xin-