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cells in RNAlater - the title say`s it all :) (May/19/2010 )

I need a help from you, guys. Can I save my cells (imoratlized cell line) in RNAlater for a period of time? At least a few weaks untill the TRIzol I have ordered comes? And is there any special protocol, on how to preserve cells? I`m planning to wash them three times in PBS and then to resuspend pelet in, I don`t know, maybe 200 microliters of RNAlater, and then keep the cells at -20 degrees, until RNA extraction? What do you think, will it be ok?

Thanks so much!


If it is just cells, why not just grow some more when the trizol arrives?

The RNAlater website advertises storage of pelleted cells as being fine.


I have used RNAlater to save organs and usually they are fine for extended periods of time in -20. But I have always used RNAeasy kit to extract the RNA and never trizol unless the cells and organs are fresh.


Do not keep at -20C. Ambion does not recommend it. keep at 4C. RNAlater is made by a guy from Ambion and he told us to keep at 4C.

also, as Zodiac suggested, if you want pure RNA for sensitive experiments (e.g Real-Time PCR) use RNeasy kit, though it has a longer protocol than a normal Trizol method.


I have used RNA later for doing experinment later. It will work. Just wash your cells and add RNA later. It should cover the cells completely. Then store it at -80 for long storage (months) or -20 for short (1-2 weeks). :lol:

mrvica on May 19 2010, 12:56 AM said:

I need a help from you, guys. Can I save my cells (imoratlized cell line) in RNAlater for a period of time? At least a few weaks untill the TRIzol I have ordered comes? And is there any special protocol, on how to preserve cells? I`m planning to wash them three times in PBS and then to resuspend pelet in, I don`t know, maybe 200 microliters of RNAlater, and then keep the cells at -20 degrees, until RNA extraction? What do you think, will it be ok?

Thanks so much!
