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The Use of Formamide in Sequence Analysis - (May/11/2010 )

Hi all

I would like to know if formamide is preferably used during sequence analysis. If so why is this the case?

Thanks :-D


formamide is preferred (mandatory) when using beckman-coulter sequencers.


ah. We have an AB 3130 Analyser and, based on convention of our lab, we use formamide as well :wacko:

Just wondering if there is any biochemical basis supporting its use in optimising sequencing results.


the wellred dyes used by beckman-coulter decompose at low pH (<6). water will absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide and the pH will drop. formamide, as long as it is deionized and doesn't decompose (keep water out of it, avoid freeze-thaw cycles), will not acidify as water will so the dyes will be more stable.


ah thanks. :)
