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pro-apoptotic effect of compounds on cancer cell lines - which cell line to test the non-toxic effect? (May/07/2010 )

i´m interested to test compounds for their pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative effect on diverse cancer cell lines!

do i need to check the non-toxic effect of those compounds on non-cancer cells?
which cells are predestinated to be used as a control?

thanx in advance


you need first to check the antitumor activity of these compounds using cell viability assays and flow cytometry with characterization of their mechanism of action, then if you find a promising compound it is better to check both efficacy and safety on nude mice bearing human cancer xenogaft


moljul on May 7 2010, 08:41 AM said:

i´m interested to test compounds for their pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative effect on diverse cancer cell lines!

do i need to check the non-toxic effect of those compounds on non-cancer cells?
which cells are predestinated to be used as a control?

thanx in advance

At the beginning there will be enough work to test the anti-apoptotic and anti-prolifrative effect of your compounds; after the screening only the strong candidates should be tested on normal cells or tissues;

to test xenografted mice is in the long range interest of your study

-Inmost sun-

You will need to use cells that correspond to the tumour type(s) you are looking at. It is unwise to assume that all cell types will behave in the same fashion with the same drug.
