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how to draw a cycle - software (Apr/28/2010 )


can any one guide me how pictures are drawn in different papers, i mean as we see different cycles ,(virus life cycle), how an author draw it, i have sketch in my mind but only "paint"cant give me satisfactory picture.

what advance techniques i can use.

Attached Image

Attached Image


The image you attached must be drawn in adobe illustrator by professionals. Powerpoint can also do what you wanted. See the attache file for examples. Everything is drawn piece by piece in powerpoint.
Attached File


I think in most papers they use rather simple, easy to make pictures. But the picture you show is something from a book and those pictures are most often made by people that are specialised. They are made by "artists" or people that really know how to work with certain programs like adobe illustrator for professionals.
I would even dare to think I could make such a picture.

I dont know what your ambitions are but if it is for a paper then you might wanne try paint and make copy/paste some pictures from other papers and adjust them or start from zero yourself.
However it is time consuming if you are not used to work with it.
It might be easier to ask someone to help you.

If you really want to start making those pictures yourself, look around oin the net: there are a lot of professional drawingprograms.. but be warned: its difficult and time consuming.
Attached File


chicken on Apr 28 2010, 06:01 AM said:


can any one guide me how pictures are drawn in different papers, i mean as we see different cycles ,(virus life cycle), how an author draw it, i have sketch in my mind but only "paint"cant give me satisfactory picture.

what advance techniques i can use.


alternative is CorelDraw

-Inmost sun-

You can try Inkscape ( if you want to draw vector graphics (scaling without pixelation). Basic operations (cycles, diagrams) are very easy to perform, and has lots of capabilities for more complex works (like the picture you posted). You can export and import your graphics in svg, pdf and postcript among other formats. And most important to me, it's absolutely free, like in freedom and like in beer.
