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10 times less glycine??!!! - (Feb/11/2010 )

Hi All... anyone have any experience in how the migration will be affected if i made a 10 times less concentrated SDS running buffer (only in Glycine content) that is. instead of adding 144 grams for 1 liter i added 14.4 grams... then diluted this to 1X thinking i made a perfect 10X and used it to run my gels... Will get the result by tomorrow... but the run looks proper to me... will confirm after staining it and comparing it with the properly made buffer!!!

Any ideas wat all can happen if we use 10 times less glycine concentrationin SDS-PAGE?
There has to be sumthing wrong as it has been traditionally used for so many years now... :(

-Pradeep Iyer-

You will probably run out of electrolyte, which will result in increased voltage required to keep the gel running, causing more heating.


and the pH will be off (on the high side).


mdfenko on Feb 13 2010, 12:15 AM said:

and the pH will be off (on the high side).

yeah both of it happened how ever the run was fine but many impurities were generated in my sample!! thanx guys..

-Pradeep Iyer-