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Tool to search for motifs within microRNAs? - I need to find microRNAs with common motif (Jan/19/2010 )

Would anybody know any software or online tools that can give me a list of mature microRNAs with a common motif? In other words, if I search on a particular sequence (e.g. AUCCGU) I would like a list of all mature microRNAs that contain this sequence.

Many thanks.


WebLoGo can do what you wanted. For example, i input the following miRs to find potential motif.


But Weblogo requires all sequences to be equal length.

You can also use the MEME program


Thanks Pcrman, that's a nice online resource.

-Jon Moulton-

Thanks for the resource, but I have it figured out in Excel.
This simply involves retrieving all miRNA sequences from and listing them in Excel. Using filters you can remove all non-human miRNAs. Using formulas the hexamer at the 3' end can be retrieved and subsequently matched with a defined sequence.


Baars01 on Jan 28 2010, 09:00 AM said:

Thanks for the resource, but I have it figured out in Excel.
This simply involves retrieving all miRNA sequences from and listing them in Excel. Using filters you can remove all non-human miRNAs. Using formulas the hexamer at the 3' end can be retrieved and subsequently matched with a defined sequence.

Can you give an example for your formula in excel, so we can get an idea how you do it?


1. Download the entire microRNAome from
2. Copy/Paste into Column A in Excel. You will have a column of sequences with above each sequence its FASTA name.
3. In Box B1 enter "=A2" (without "") and expand down to the end of the list. This will add the sequences next to their FASTA name.
4. Apply a filter to Column A and filter for anything containing "hsa". All human sequences will then be shown in Column B. Copy/Paste filtered Column A and B to a new sheet (Remember Paste Special -> Values only)
5. In box C1 of your new sheet input the following formula "=Right(B1,?)". Replace ? with the amount of bases you want to count up from the 3' end. Expand this to all rows.

You now have your desired sequence set in which a motif can be found using Ctrl+F

Alternatively, "=Left(B1,?)" can be used to single out sequences from the 5' end. A combination of both can give you desired sequences within the microRNA.
