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Surface Sterilization method for corn - (Dec/10/2009 )

I'm trying to grow corn aseptically and I'm having problems getting rid of all of the fungus on/in the seed. I've tried various approaches with bleach (not only does it leave a lot of the seed with fungus, it also negatively affects germination rates), and hydrogen peroxide (this is even worse in killing fungus, but at least the germination rates are good).

If anybody has any tips they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Hello! I am also interested in this. Part of my work is to finance farmers who are growing or producing corn, particularly hybrid corn.

Thanking you in advance for the assistance.

God bless,


Ethylene oxide? UV light? (PS: I don't know anything about sterilizing seeds...).


Have you looked at orchid culture models? Orchid growers have methods for growing clones from aseptic seeds as well as tissue.

-lab rat-

have you tried seed coating with captan?


i think you have to consult a botany specialist...
