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Software to construct phylogenic tree by using similarity matrix as inpu? - (Nov/20/2009 )

Does any body know such software that is freely available online. I was looking it up over the last week. But all the software I found only accept distance matrix, such as famous Phylip program. Does any body has a clue?

Many thanks!


hothot on Nov 21 2009, 06:03 AM said:

Does any body know such software that is freely available online. I was looking it up over the last week. But all the software I found only accept distance matrix, such as famous Phylip program. Does any body has a clue?

Many thanks!

Most software that accept a distance matrix as input should also accept a similarity matrix, as it the same concept only vice versa...MEGA, Arlequin, Phylip should do the job...


I tried phylip but it only accepts distance matrix.

My similarity is measured in terms of Z-score, but I don't what's the best way to convert it to a distance matrix, p-value maybe a choice, but I'm not quite sure.
