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Who are the big names in miRNA research? - (Oct/17/2009 )

Hello everyone

Bit of a strange request this one, my boss wants me to compose a list of the big names in miRNA research at the moment.
I'm writing a miRNA based grant and she would like me to find a big name collaborator to boost our chances of funding as we don't have experience with miRNAs in our lab.

Any suggestions very welcome.

P.S. We are based in the UK


Andrew Fire
Craig Mello
Thomas Tuschl
David Bartel
Philip Sharp
Narry V. Kim

-Functional Screens-


Thank you very much for your suggestions, including 3 Nobel Prize winners, my boss will be impressed!
If we could get any one of these top scientists to collaborate with us the grant will definitely get funded.
Fingers crossed.

Thanks again


Functional Screens on Oct 17 2009, 01:43 PM said:

Andrew Fire
Craig Mello
Thomas Tuschl
David Bartel
Philip Sharp
Narry V. Kim

Add Gregory Hannon and Phillip Zamore. :)


i`m working with silencig in fungi...and my favorite autor on this topic is Nakayashiki


Hi you all

I was searching in the topics and I would like to reactivate this one, but I would like to ask who are th ebig names of miR research in europe, because all the names you gave where in USA (and Korea)


