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bacteria lysis - E coli lysis for recombinant protein extraction (Oct/11/2009 )

There is a commercially avilable buffer BPERII from Piece in which I am adding Protease inhibitor cocktail III and benzonase nuclease for the lysis of the E coli cells. But inspite of using BPERII, can I add some non ionic detergent to the Lysis Buffer(20mM Tris HCl, 5mM Imidazole, 500mM NaCl) to get the same type of cell lysis?


I do the bacteria lysis with PBS and tween20+ DTT and sonication. Some time I add sarcosyl. But the lysis buffer is PBS-T. DTT or sarcosyle is for solubility. Detergent work well for me with sonication to get ride of DNA. So yes I think you can use it.


NK22 on Oct 11 2009, 05:23 PM said:

There is a commercially avilable buffer BPERII from Piece in which I am adding Protease inhibitor cocktail III and benzonase nuclease for the lysis of the E coli cells. But inspite of using BPERII, can I add some non ionic detergent to the Lysis Buffer(20mM Tris HCl, 5mM Imidazole, 500mM NaCl) to get the same type of cell lysis?
