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Using DNA in gel extract kept at -20ºC - (Oct/08/2009 )


I have previously done PCR, electrophoresis, gel excision & purification on my DNA sample and ligated some of the purified DNA into my desired vector. All's fine - plasmid extraction & sequencing.

My question is, I still have some leftover purified DNA sitting in the -20ºC freezer. Can I go ahead & do another round of ligation and/or do I have to do any prep work to increase their "efficiency". I read that it is best to do ligation when the DNA is fresh; my samples have been idling in the freezer for >1 month.

I welcome all suggestions, advice, potions etc.

Cheers. :D


What is your DNA stored in? DNA in TE, frozen, will probably be pretty much in the same condition you started with, modulo some freeze/thaw damage. If it it in water or (worse) with Mg++ or other metal salts present, then lots of bad things can happen.


Just do it! I kept my DNA in the -20ºC freezer for about 2 month. I do a ligation with it, and the result is good.
