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role of glucose in plasmid isolation? - (Oct/04/2009 )

Hi all

I have a doubt regarding the isolation of plasmid by alkaline lysis method.
The solution I (Tris pH 8,Edta and glucose) contains glucose .The role of glucose is very unclear AS to how it maintains the osmoltic balance and prevents the bacterial cells from premature lysis in the first step of plasmid isolation.

In the first step after addition of solution I the integrity of the cell wall is affected but still it does not burst because of glucose, Can anyone plz help me with this doubt?

Thanks in advance.


deespike on Oct 3 2009, 11:10 PM said:

Hi all

I have a doubt regarding the isolation of plasmid by alkaline lysis method.
The solution I (Tris pH 8,Edta and glucose) contains glucose .The role of glucose is very unclear AS to how it maintains the osmoltic balance and prevents the bacterial cells from premature lysis in the first step of plasmid isolation.

In the first step after addition of solution I the integrity of the cell wall is affected but still it does not burst because of glucose, Can anyone plz help me with this doubt?

Your guess seems right but I always do it without glucose and it's ok.
