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Overblocking Western? - (Sep/04/2009 )

Because I was such an idiot and totally forgot I was doing western, I left the western at room temperature blocking overnight in casein. Is it still good? Or should I throw it out? ;)


bc87 on Sep 4 2009, 07:19 AM said:

Because I was such an idiot and totally forgot I was doing western, I left the western at room temperature blocking overnight in casein. Is it still good? Or should I throw it out? ;)

It will be fine as long as it didn't dry out. You can't overblock a blot.

-Dr Teeth-

Dr Teeth on Sep 4 2009, 05:04 AM said:

bc87 on Sep 4 2009, 07:19 AM said:

Because I was such an idiot and totally forgot I was doing western, I left the western at room temperature blocking overnight in casein. Is it still good? Or should I throw it out? ;)

It will be fine as long as it didn't dry out. You can't overblock a blot.

Overnight in room temperature is alright?


bc87 on Sep 4 2009, 10:00 AM said:

Dr Teeth on Sep 4 2009, 05:04 AM said:

bc87 on Sep 4 2009, 07:19 AM said:

Because I was such an idiot and totally forgot I was doing western, I left the western at room temperature blocking overnight in casein. Is it still good? Or should I throw it out? ;)

It will be fine as long as it didn't dry out. You can't overblock a blot.

Overnight in room temperature is alright?

Well, I wouldn't do it on purpose...but it should be alright if the blot didn't dry out.

-Dr Teeth-

Also so long as it didn't grow any bacteria.


You definitely do not need to throw it away. I never blocking overnight under RT, but I did do it for half day or so and it was fine. Just as Bob1 said, as long as no bacteria grows you are safe.

If you still worry about it, I think you can do a very short stripping and re-block it.
