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IRA online - (Jan/31/2010 )

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hobglobin on Jun 17 2010, 05:33 AM said:

will read it later...but I forgot it's not only pain, but the "right to live" etc, some activists want to concede to all animals...but then why not all organisms anyway?

Dr H, I agree with you.

-adrian kohsf-


This reminds me one exam I once had. It started by asking us to read the whole thing first and then answer the questions. This was followed by a long series of very difficult questions. Of course the last one was "You only need to answer this last question". It was the subject for a dissertation and you really needed the 2 hours you had.


Maddie on Jun 25 2010, 04:27 PM said:


This reminds me one exam I once had. It started by asking us to read the whole thing first and then answer the questions. This was followed by a long series of very difficult questions. Of course the last one was "You only need to answer this last question". It was the subject for a dissertation and you really needed the 2 hours you had.


You only need to answer this last question
is not a question...... :P so how can you answer this?

I have some other funny examples too about questions, but maybe we should open a new topic on this :P


oh oui oui

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