BioProduct : Molecular Biology : PCR : Real Time PCR : NovaQUANT™ Human Mitochondrial to Nuclear DNA Ratio Kit
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Product Name NovaQUANT™ Human Mitochondrial to Nuclear DNA Ratio Kit
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Product Description The NovaQUANT™ Human Mitochondrial to Nuclear DNA Ratio Kit compares the levels of nuclear to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in a human DNA sample. Real-Time PCR provides a platform for a quantitative assay measuring and comparing mtDNA copy number to that of nuclear DNA (nDNA). This mtDNA/nDNA ratio test kit in qPCR format can be used whenever a small amount of DNA can be extracted from cells or tissues of interest. The amplification primers in this kit have been thoroughly validated for matching amplification efficiency and absence of amplification of mitochondrial pseudogenes.
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Price $
Specification1 kit
Product Review 0
Vendor Information EMD Millipore
MA 01821