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Looking for new endogenous control for WB - (Apr/27/2009 )


I had problems with stripping my mebrane so I decided to cut it instead. But now I have a problem with the endogenous control. One of my protein of intrest is just in the same range as beta-acin. So what could I use instead. I thought of Tubulin but this is also running in the same range of a protein of intrest. Ist there somehing smaller than 30 kDa or larger than 60 kDa i could use?

Thank you for your attention.


unfortunately the 3 main loading controls (GAPDH, beta actin, and tubulin) are in the range of 36, 43 and 55 kDa. in some papers they use a non specific band appearing on the blot as a loading control. but stripping if done properly should not be a problem at all for loading control.


yobou on Apr 27 2009, 08:49 AM said:

unfortunately the 3 main loading controls (GAPDH, beta actin, and tubulin) are in the range of 36, 43 and 55 kDa. in some papers they use a non specific band appearing on the blot as a loading control. but stripping if done properly should not be a problem at all for loading control.

Use RNA pol II (~220 kD).

-Dr Teeth-

yobou on Apr 27 2009, 02:49 PM said:

unfortunately the 3 main loading controls (GAPDH, beta actin, and tubulin) are in the range of 36, 43 and 55 kDa. in some papers they use a non specific band appearing on the blot as a loading control. but stripping if done properly should not be a problem at all for loading control.

Stripping is not working. I use the same protocol and the same solutions as the others do in my lab but somehow my proteins are always gone. I transfered longer, used different membranes, but it's as it does not like me.
Even when I am doing it with together with someone else, they disapear.

Use RNA pol II (~220 kD)

is this published somewhere? And do you know also something for the cytoplasmic fraction?
