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new trends in rice science - (Aug/18/2014 )

Hi all, can anybody tell me what are the new frontiers in rice molecular biology?


I've noticed that you have posted this query a few times... the reason no-one has replied is that no-one on here knows the answer. I would suggest, that if you are planning on doing research on rice, then you should read some recent research papers (reviews are often good places to start), which would give you some idea of interesting topics.  You can also contact researchers who are actively researching rice to find out what they do.


Chomolungma on Mon Aug 18 08:18:32 2014 said:

Hi all, can anybody tell me what are the new frontiers in rice molecular biology?


Its a very general question in the end.

Golden rice might be something intersing.

There is also research going on in trying to find or ameliorate rice in orde to grow it in dry areas..
