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3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid: MOPS - (Oct/01/2010 )

when it comes down to chemically competent bacterial cells, I am telling you, there is no method what so ever to compete MOPS. It rockes!
has any one tried it befor?


Protocol? Reference?


well, you are going to need
1- MOPS 0.5 molar : (please see A1.18 sambrook, vol.3, lOx MOPS Electrophoresis Buffer) 20 ml
2- KCl 7.4 g
3- CaCl2.2H2O 7.5 g
4- glycerol 100 ml

a) dissolve the aforementioned constituent in 1 liter of milliQ water and autoclave. now you have got FB buffer
B) inoculate 25 ml of LB with 250 ul of refreshed bacteria
c) incubate at 37 centigrade degrees till its optical density at 600 nm reaches 0.4-0.5
d) incubate on ice for 60 min
e) centrifuge at 4 centigrade degrees/3000 rpm/15 min
f) discard the supernate and resuspend the bacterial pellet in FB buffer(1/3 of the starting volume)
g) incubate on ice for 60 min
h) centrifuge at 4 centigrade degrees/3000 rpm/15 min
i) discard the supernate and resuspend the bacterial pellet in FB buffer(1/12 of the starting volume)
j) aliquot the resulting chemically competent bacteria and keep it in minus 70 .


MOPS and MES work the same way


Yea, have heard about that, but never tried it before


I wonder what is the mechanism by which MOPS or MES make bacteria super competent? I would appreciate it if any one could come up with a reference


What sort of transformation efficiencies are you getting with the MOPS/MES systems?
