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western blot to a metal mesh - (Sep/03/2010 )

I am new to western blot. I wonder if it's possible to blot proteins and peptides onto a metal mesh instead of PVDF? Not quite sure how the electric field would be affected by the shielding effect of the metal plate. Along the same line, if there were no capturing membrane such as PVDF, would we find proteins and peptides on the stainless steel electrode (+)?Thanks a lot for your advice!


i've never heard nor seen anyone transferring onto metal.

the proteins would migrate to the electrode but would not maintain binding after the current is stopped. there will not be defined bands because the electrode is not in intimate contact with the gel.


I wonder if the metal would block the electric field and hence no migration of the protein/peptides?

mdfenko on Sat Sep 4 04:15:36 2010 said:

i've never heard nor seen anyone transferring onto metal.

the proteins would migrate to the electrode but would not maintain binding after the current is stopped. there will not be defined bands because the electrode is not in intimate contact with the gel.


virgin on Wed Sep 8 14:11:20 2010 said:

I wonder if the metal would block the electric field and hence no migration of the protein/peptides?

metal is a conductor. it won't block the electric field.
