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animal colony management software - (Oct/20/2009 )

I am interested to know simple and affordable small animal colony management software which has the features as follows:

* summaries on the homepage, such as total cages, number of pups, average animals per cage, and more.
* Breeding cages, overcrowded cages, recent animal events.
* Generate cage cards with barcodes for unique identification, facilitates automation.
* Animal family history (pedigree tree) displayed in real-time.
* Data import, export, and printing tools.
* Track data types defined by end-users.
* Record and plot routine measurements, e.g. weight.

I will prefer a web-based tool.


-Sara Jackson-

It seems mLIMS is the best! I just tried at

* Powered by BxAF technology.
* Dynamic summaries on the homepage, such as total cages, number of pups, average animals per cage, and more.
* Reminders: breeding cages, overcrowded cages, recent animal events, and more.
* Generate cage cards with barcodes for unique identification, facilitates automation.
* Animal family history (pedigree tree) displayed in real-time.
* Convenient data import, export, and printing tools.
* Track data types defined by end-users.
* Record and plot routine measurements, e.g. weight.

Check feature details at or try the program directly at

-jennifer 18-


Take a look at Mosaic Vivarium (

It is web-based, works with the Mac and PC, and is very easy to use.
