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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Cloning
961. genotype lysogen DE3 - (reply: 1)
962. Need help! - Problem with right insertion! (reply: 1)
963. cloning a large insert - (reply: 5)
964. Transposase contamination in cloning - (reply: 7)
965. Is T4 DNA Polymerase so evil? Blunt End Cloning - (reply: 3)
966. How long can I store cleaved/digested vector? - (reply: 9)
967. Cloning of a gene containing 31 exon - (reply: 1)
968. A speical ligation case ( a strange ssDNA to dsDNA) - (reply: 4)
969. Optimum Molar ratio for 3-way ligation - (reply: 5)
970. Loss of protein expression following double transformation - Protein expression post transformation (reply: 10)
971. cloning help - (reply: 3)
972. Blunt end ligation problems - Could the ligation of sticky adaptors help? (reply: 2)
973. A gene is not inserted into the Plasmid - (reply: 2)
974. Air bubbles during electroporation - (reply: 1)
975. uncut plasmid dna vs linearized plasmid gel - (reply: 1)
976. Colonies without inserts - (reply: 9)
977. Transformants Don't Grow - (reply: 4)
978. control DNA transformation- using pGEM kit - transformation (reply: 4)
979. Topo Cloning - Understanding the principle (reply: 6)
980. pMX-PURO Vector not growing - (reply: 3)
981. Centrifuging bacterial cultures - Fill those bottles! (reply: 2)
982. how to set up the ligation - (reply: 14)
983. Freezing home-brewed competent cells - Dry-ice first or straight to -80 C freezer? (reply: 6)
984. DH5 Alpha Transformation - (reply: 2)
985. Cloning a foreign gene into E-coli - (reply: 1)
986. Looking for a commercial bidirectional plasmid Help please! - resource hunting (reply: 2)
987. Strange problem with digestion and dephosporylation of PCR product - (reply: 2)
988. Ligation issues - Ligating a 3.3kb insert into a 15kb viral vector (reply: 1)
989. Where to buy pBluescript-H1 plasmid? - Is it commercially available or do I need to clone it? (reply: 2)
990. restriction digest simple question - (reply: 4)